Juliet Anderson

11 Scenes
Juliet Anderson is a stage name of MILF vintage pornstar Judith Carr also known as Aunt Peg. She was a very popular short-haired American XXX actress and adult movie producer. Entering the XXX films business relatively at age 39, she quickly built a reputation as one of the premier performers in the so-called "Golden Age of Porn"!
- Alias: Alice Rigby, Aunt Peg, Judy Carr, Judy Fillbrook, Ruby Sapphire, Beth Sanders, Judith Anderson, Judy Callin, Judy Fallbrook, Julie Morrow, Juliet Carr, Juliett Anderson, Juliette Andersen, Juliette Anderson, Rita Shore
- Age: 71
- Birth date: 1938-07-23
- Death date: 2010-01-11
- Country: United States
- City: Burbank
- Hair Color: blond
- Eye Color: gray
- Height: 165 cm
- Weight: 53 kg (117 lbs)
- Imdb: https://www.imdb.com/name/nm0000753/
- Wikipedia: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Juliet_Anderson